It is my privilege and honor to serve as the President of the U.S. Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry Foundation Inc. (USBCCI). Our foundation is dedicated to fostering stronger economic ties, promoting cultural exchange, and empowering communities through meaningful initiatives that bridge the United States and Bangladesh.

At USBCCI, we recognize the importance of collaboration and shared values in driving positive change. Our mission is not only to support economic growth but also to ensure that our efforts contribute to the betterment of society. Whether it’s through our charitable initiatives, educational programs, or cultural events, we are committed to creating opportunities that uplift individuals and communities alike.

Our Commitment
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, USBCCI operates with a deep sense of responsibility towards the public interest. We strive to be a catalyst for sustainable development, providing resources and support to those who need it most. Our work is guided by principles of transparency, accountability, and ethical governance, ensuring that every project we undertake is aligned with our core values.

Focus Areas
Economic Empowerment:
We aim to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses by providing them with the tools, resources, and networks they need to succeed. Our workshops, seminars, and business development programs are designed to foster innovation and growth within the Bangladeshi-American community and beyond.

Cultural Exchange and Understanding:
By promoting cultural awareness and mutual respect, USBCCI plays a vital role in building bridges between diverse communities. Our cultural initiatives celebrate the rich heritage of Bangladesh while fostering a deeper understanding of its contributions to American society.

Charitable Initiatives and Community Awareness:
We are deeply committed to giving back to the community through targeted charitable efforts. From disaster relief to educational scholarships, our initiatives are focused on addressing urgent needs while also raising awareness and inspiring collective action.

Looking Ahead
As we move forward, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. USBCCI is poised to make a significant impact by continuing to strengthen the bonds between the United States and Bangladesh. I invite you to join us in this journey—whether as a partner, volunteer, or supporter—so that together, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission.


Md Liton Ahmed
U.S. Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry Foundation Inc. (USBCCI)

Last Update: 01-August-2024